
Архива Диӂиталэ а Републичий Советиче Сочиалисте Молдовенешть

Молдавия (справочник туриста)/Moldavia (Tourist’s reference book)

Молдавия (справочник туриста)/Moldavia (Tourist’s reference book).
Кишинев, Тимпул, 1979.
Legătură: MediaFire

Every year thousands of tourists visit the Moldavian SSR. This stream increases from year to year. Generosity of the land, picturesque nature, favourable climate, towns and villages. which united the present, remote and recent history attract tourists. Guests meet here invariable cordiality and hospitality of hosts, cheerful, merry and industrious people. The book offered without details gives enough information to acquaint the reader with our Republic.

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